Outdoor Plants
Our outdoor plant area offers a great selection of good quality, hardy plants. Where possible, we source from local growers to ensure the plants you purchase are ready to go straight outside into your garden. Throughout the Spring and Summer we are having regular deliveries of fresh stock, often weekly, so keep an eye out for new plants all the time. If there is something specific you are looking for, please ask and we will try to source it for you if it’s a variety our suppliers grow.
We have sections for trees, (both ornamental and fruit), fruit bushes, hedging plants, conifers, grasses, ferns, shrubs, roses, climbers, heathers, cottage garden plants and alpines. Our new “Plants for a Purpose” areas give ideas and help you choose plants for specific condition or places in your garden: Shady Areas, Sunny Spots, Evergreen Plants, Coastal Plants, Plants to encourage Birds and Wildlife and Groundcover Planting, as well as those that love Acid Soil.
We offer inspiration to our customers by creating changing seasonal displays showing different planting combinations.
A wonderful selection of seasonal plants will be available in the Spring, from late March onwards, comprising basket and patio plants including Fuchsias, Surfinias, Million Bells, Ivy-leaf and Zonal Geraniums, Osteospermum, Bacopa, Diascias, Begonias and Verbena. Most of these can be used for planting in hanging baskets, window boxes or patio pots and container. From mid April tray bedding will be on sale including Pansies and Violas, Cosmos, Geraniums, Dahlias, Petunias, Lobelia, Salvias, Marigolds and Gazanias. These will create a spectacular show of colour throughout the summer, often until the first frosts. From May onwards we will have a range of ready-planted hanging baskets, pots and containers ready to put straight out for instant colour.
Our seasonal offering carries through into Pansies, Cyclamen, Primroses and Wallflowers for the Autumn and Winter.
Tomato, Courgette and Pepper plants are available from late March, and Cucumbers from late April, these will be located inside the greenhouse. Trays of locally grown Vegetable plants including Leeks, Cabbages, Carrots, Onions, Lettuces, and Sweetcorn will also be on sale from early April.
In the Autumn and Spring we have a magnificent display of individual pots of pansies for sale in the car park, they look so amazing, you can’t help but pop some in your trolley as you walk in!
We have a wide range of composts and fertilisers and our staff will be happy to advise you on the most suitable choice to complement the plants you are buying to give them the best start in life.