Apply potato fertiliser before planting seed potatoes.
Sow early lettuces, carrots and other vegetable seeds outside, but they may require protection with cloches or tunnels.
Early planting of onion sets and shallots will lengthen the growing season resulting in larger individual bulbs. Garlic and rhubarb can also be planted now.
As new shoots of perennials emerge get ready to protect them from slugs and snails with copper rings, slug pellets or organic slug bait.
Dig plenty of organic farmyard manure into your soil ready for planting vegetables.
Top-dress pots and containers of established shrubs & perennials with fresh compost and slow release fertiliser. Remember to use ericaceous compost and feed for acid-loving plants such as rhododendrons and camellias.
Bring your patio back to life; patio magic removes green mould, algae or moss and a block paving brush will get out any moss or weeds from gaps between paving slabs.
Start planting lilies and begonias in pots indoors and buy dahlia tubers, gladioli and other summer flowering bulbs ready to plant out once frosts are less likely.
Plant container-grown roses and shrubs into well dug enriched soil. Use Q4 rootmore mycorrhizal fungi to establish a stronger root system.
Use primroses in containers and to brighten up gaps in borders.
Use fleece to protect tender plants and new shoots against frosts.
Start using feed, weed and mosskiller on your lawn.
Place plant supports above tall-growing or floppy plants so plants grow through them before getting too tall.