Insulate greenhouses using bubblewrap & move tender pot-grown plants inside for November. Check greenhouse heaters are working.
Use fleece & fleece bags to protect tender plants against frosts.
Use winter-flowering pansies, violas & hardy cyclamen to brighten up gaps in the garden.
Collect up leaves from around plants in borders & then compost them. Beware: those left on borders will provide shelter for slugs & snails which will then eat new shoots in the spring.
November is the best month for planting tulips. Other spring-flowering bulbs, onion sets & garlic can still be planted too.
Remember to feed the birds & fill up birdbaths. Clean out and disinfect bird feeders to prevent disease.
Plant bare-root hedging plants.
Check newly-planted trees are well staked & tree ties are firmly secured to avoid damage in windy weather.
Put up bug boxes to provide winter shelter for beneficial insects such as ladybirds.
Protect fruit trees against winter pests with winter wash and greasebands, also remember to treat tree stakes and supports as insects will climb these into the tree.
Reposition houseplants away from direct heat & draughts.
Put down traps or bait for mice and rats as they try to find warmth & food in sheds and garages.