Start planting spring bulbs in October – why not choose different varieties of daffodils so you have a succession of flowers from February through to May?
Plant out pansies and violas for autumn and winter colour and wallflowers and sweet williams for spring flowering.
Sow broad bean seeds for early pickings next May and June, try varieties such as “aquadulce” or “the sutton”.
Plant autumn onion sets and garlic.
Refill hanging baskets and containers with pansies, cyclamen and small winter shrubs as summer ones start to go over – don’t forget to under-plant with spring bulbs.
Sow sweet peas now for early flowering next summer, plant in deep growtubes and keep in an unheated greenhouse.
Use autumn lawn feed and mosskiller for strengthening the roots of your grass and killing moss.
Plant shrubs, trees and fruit bushes in the autumn for healthier plants next season, and top dress established plants with bonemeal to strengthen roots and feed during winter.
Use winter wash or wrap the base of fruit tree trunks with grease bands to stop winter moths climbing the trees to lay their eggs.
Prune climbing and rambling roses.
Use gutter and drain guards to stop leaves and twigs clogging them up.
Clear and collect up leaves and add to the compost bin.
Insulate greenhouses using bubblewrap.
Use fleece to protect tender plants from early frosts.
Use a sulphur candle to disinfect the greenhouse before putting plants back in for the winter.